I wanted to submit a few heroes that I live with. My wife and daughter work at Publix and have been there since this began.They have been working hard to keep things stocked. They don’t complain they just go in and do their best in the worst of situations when people are scared, angry, worried they are there trying to provide them a sense of normalcy. They are grocery clerks and cashiers, and their friends and coworkers go to work every day there knowing they could get sick, but they sacrifice for the customer and for their families who rely on their job. They are heroes because without them there would be no food and that’s a basic necessity for life. They feed the nurses and doctors and first responders, they feed the elderly stuck in their homes (Instacart) and they keep the local community fed. No level of care is more important than sustenance which they provide daily. Grocery workers are essential — this virus just showed us how very much they are.
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A Model DaughterEvie Hirschhorn
00:00 / 03:16
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